Thursday, 23 April 2015

Planting Peace Poppies on Hurstmere Green

The Peace Poppy Project is a community art project involving hundreds of people and thousands of large poppies to create an attention-grabbing installation in the neighbourhood. It's about respecting and remembering those people involved and affected by war. Secondly, it's about taking time to consciously consider peace whilst making your poppy. During de-installation the poppies are given away either for a gold coin donation or in an act of kindness, creating another opportunity to radiate the principles of peaceful living.

This afternoon we planted poppies in the shape of a giant Peace symbol on Hurstmere Green in the centre of Takapuna.. It was designed by Lisa Rogers , Manager of the Lake House Arts Centre, and is a very appropriate reminder that after the dreadful sacrifice and loss of life in World War One we must all continue to strive for Peace.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Japan Festival Day : A Fashion Statement

It was Japan Festival Day in Auckland today and some of the teenagers around town were engaging in cos ( costume ) play. They looked similar to the fashion statements I saw around Harajuku Station in Tokyo some years ago. I'd love to see more of it happening  here. It's clever, creative and would help to liven up our city centre.